May 10, 2005

Terribly Upset!!

So the company is rolling out smart cards and everyone is required to get their photographs clicked by the inhouse team. But I did it thrice!!! I somehow can't understand these so called 'technical difficulties' which keep cropping up everytime I go for the shoot.

I received a mail from the head (in charge of rolling out the cards) that I will need to do it once more. On top of it all, the mail was so full of accusations that I wished I could hit that person who wrote it #@$%. The problem with the mail was that it didn't specify why the photos were being rejected and therefore didn't allow me the chance to improve. And above all it labelled me as a defaulter!! I am glad it this exercise is over. Just one last thing to say - if there's a problem this time around, please do not hesitate to throw me out of the office. I am not going back to grin in front of the stupid cam.

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